有一款轿车,制造商为每一位客户都配备了专门的客户特派经理(PLM),不管在任何地方,如果客户的车出了问题,当地解决不了,“飞行工程师”(Flying Doctor) 就会驾驶直升机,第一时间飞到出事地点进行救援。达就是德国的迈巴赫! “迈巴赫是奔驰品位的一种延伸。”奔驰中国区总裁韩力达先生对《新财经》说,“在汽车设计领域,我们一直强调一个概念:就是创意与科技的完美结合。在迈巴赫身上, 梅赛德斯-奔驰提供更多的是全球领先科技,帮助迈巴赫把自身独特、积累60年的创意灵感演变为现实。”迈巴赫拥有悠久的历史。被誉为“汽车设计之父”的成廉·迈巴赫和其子卡尔·迈巴赫于1919年创立了迈巴赫,随后,在1921年的柏林车展上,卡尔·迈巴赫公开宣称要制造“世界上最昂贵的轿车”,这也成为所有迈巴赫产品的定位。1931年,“齐柏林”DS 8问世,它的长度约为5.5米,采用最大输出功率为200 马力的8升发动机。作为迈巴赫的旗舰车型,“齐柏林”轿车代表了豪华轿车的巅峰之
There’s a car, and the manufacturer has a dedicated customer-specific manager (PLM) for every customer, and if there’s a problem with the customer’s car anywhere, the Flying Doctor will Helicopter, the first time to fly to the scene of the accident rescue. Up to Maybach in Germany! “Maybach is an extension of Mercedes-Benz.” Mr. Han Lida, president of Mercedes-Benz China, told Xin Cai Finance that “in the field of automobile design, we have always emphasized the concept that the perfect combination of creativity and technology. At Maybach, Mercedes-Benz offers more of the world’s leading technology to help Maybach turn its own unique, 60-year creative inspiration into reality. ”Maybach has a long history. Maybach, known as the “Father of Automotive Design,” Maybach and his son, Karl Maybach, founded the Maybach in 1919. Subsequently, at the Berlin Motor Show in 1921, Karl Maybach publicly declared the intention to create “the world’s most expensive Sedan ”, which has also become the positioning of all Maybach products. In 1931, “Zeppelin” DS 8 came out, it is about 5.5 meters in length, using the maximum output of 200 horsepower eight-liter engine. As the Maybach’s flagship model, “Zeppelin” sedan represents the pinnacle of luxury cars