文章运用生物力学影像解析的研究方法对旋风脚转体720°接马步动作的腾空阶段进行了运动学分析,旨在为广大教练员和运动员对该技术动作提供科学的训练理论依据.研究结果表明:在旋风脚转体720°接马步的空中击响阶段要掌握以下三个关键点,即:“早、夹、分”,“早”——腾空里合腿的击响要早,在人体的总重心到达最高点之前(人体髋关节转动约238.24°左右时)进行腾空里合腿的击响动作;“夹”——两腿要夹,两臂要夹,在腾空里合腿击响动作完成后两腿要夹拢,两腿之间的夹角约为27°-31°之间,两臂要收扰在胸前;“分”——着地前两腿要分,两臂要分,旋风脚转体720°接马步动作着地前两腿的分腿合理时机为着地前0.25秒左右.“,”The paper analyzea the 720 degree tornado kick connecting horse-riding step by the research method of image analysis. The aim is to provide the training theories of science with the large member coaches and athletes. The test results express to in the stage of air shot to the 720 degrees tornado kick connection horse-riding step, it needs the three key words, namely:“ early, nip, depart”, “early” -- means early shot, before the center of gravity reach the top, (about the degree of circumrotate is 238.24° to hip) the support leg shooting; “nip” --means the two legs and the two arms must nipped, when the shooting ended the two legs and the two arms must nipped, and the angle between the two legs is 27°-31°, the two arms must furl front the chest; “depart” --means the two legs and the two arms must depart before the two feet landed, the appropriate time is about of 0.25S before the two feet landed.