加收热必是日本北兴化学工业株式会社生产的防治稻瘟病的最新药剂。它的主要特点表现在以下4个方面: 一、既能防,又能治,防效显著加收热必由加收米和热必斯两种高效杀菌剂经科学方法配制而成,热必斯在稻体表面形成保护层防止稻瘟病菌的侵入,加收米则由吸渗透到水稻体内杀死已侵入的稻瘟病菌,因此,加收热必具有预防和治疗双重效果,用加收热必防治稻瘟病更彻底、更有效。 2、药效持久加收热必粘着性好,能渗透到水稻体内移行,耐雨水冲刷,药效持久。 3、低毒、安全加收热必按规定剂量使用对人、畜、鱼类毒性低、对农作物安全。
Plus heat will be produced by Japan Beixing Chemical Industry Co., Ltd. to control the latest agent of rice blast. Its main features are manifested in the following four aspects: First, both anti-and governance, prevention effect significantly plus heat will be subject to additional rice and heat will be two efficient biocides prepared by scientific methods, A protective layer is formed on the surface of rice body to prevent the intrusion of Magnaporthe grisea. The additional rice is permeated into the rice body to kill the invaded Magnaporthe grisea. Therefore, adding heat will have the dual effects of prevention and treatment, Rice blast will be more thoroughly and effectively controlled. 2, lasting efficacy and heat will be good adhesion, can penetrate into the rice body migration, resistance to rainfall erosion, long-lasting efficacy. 3, low toxicity, safety and heat will be required to use the prescribed dose of human, livestock, fish toxicity is low, the safety of crops.