
来源 :Chinese Journal of Chemical Engineering | 被引量 : 0次 | 上传用户:hanhaicang
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Ceramic ultrafiltration membranes were used to separate titanium silicalite-1(TS-1) catalysts from the slurry of catalytic ammoximation of cyclohexanone to oxime.Silica was shown to have a great effect on membrane fouling in the alkaline environment of this system.In the ammoximation system,there are three main silica sources,which are residual silica on the catalyst particles surface during preparation,silica dissolved from TS-1 catalyst particles by ammonia solvent,and silica sol added into the reaction slurry to inhibit the dissolution erosion of the TS-1 catalyst.The silica dissolved by ammonia has been proved to influence membrane fouling most among the three silica sources.This was because the amount of silica dissolved by ammonia was the largest,and the polymerization of silica monomers at high concentration caused colloid particles formation,which led to a dense cake layer depositing on the membrane surface.Meanwhile,the size reduction of catalyst particles caused by alkaline dissolution also increased specific resistances of cake layers. Ceramic ultrafiltration membranes were used to separate titanium silicalite-1 (TS-1) catalysts from the slurry of catalytic ammoximation of cyclohexanone to oxime. Silica was shown to have a great effect on membrane fouling in the alkaline environment of this system. In the ammoximation there are three main silica sources, which are residual silica on the catalyst particles surface during preparation, silica dissolved from TS-1 catalyst particles by ammonia solvent, and silica sol added into the reaction slurry to inhibit the dissolution erosion of the TS- 1 catalyst. The silica dissolved by ammonia has been proved to influence membrane fouling most among the three silica sources. This was because the amount of silica dissolved by ammonia was the largest, and the polymerization of silica monomers at high concentration caused colloid particles formation, which led to a dense cake layer depositing on the membrane surface. However, the size reduction of catalyst particles caused by alkaline d issolution also increased specific resistances of cake layers.
砂姜黑土的农业物理性状不良,耕性差、土壤僵瘦,被列为低产土壤。影响农业生产的直接因素是旱、涝、薄、僵、碱。但砂姜黑土的土层深厚,土壤潜在肥力较高,并且 Shajiang bl
磁片记录机用于录音或小型型计算机的数字记录。磁片用于磁接触复制,它比磁头——磁头方式(即用母机和子机复制)时间短,最近已把它和热磁接触复制一起用于磁带复制。 Digit
<正> 自1998年下半年在辽宁省直部分机关单位试行机关单位租车不养车,工作人员外出办公一律按规定凭票报销公交车费或出租车费以来,收到了节约开支、促进廉政建设等多方面效
泱泱中华,时间的河在她身上淌过,每一滴水都有她的独特魅力。从“长城”走来,又在温柔乡中用“京剧”演绎美丽。而如今“一带一路”携中华情怀,在政治与经济上取得双赢。中华的美丽便在于此,她的魅力便在于独特的文化底蕴。  “长城”之雄,始于坚韧。  长城之称始于春秋战国时期,是长城最通用的称谓,而不仅仅指北京的八达岭长城。《史记·楚世家》载:“齐宣王乘山岭之上,筑长城,东至海,西至济州”,汗水,坚韧之魂使