坚持科学发展观 加强县级党组织执政能力建设——中共长阳土家族自治县委促进社会经济和谐发展的可贵实践

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发展经济与改善民生,是近年来中央和湖北省委提出的两大战略,是全面建设小康社会、全面构建和谐社会的重要内容。中共长阳土家族自治县委以改革创新精神加强县级党组织执政能力建设,坚持发展是第一要务,坚持科学发展观,坚持站在时代前列领导和谋划改革,高度重视群众最直接的利益,高度重视完善和推进党的领导方式,高度重视科学决策、民主决策,不断提升驾驭市场经济的能力,不断加强发展民主政治的能力,不断提高构建和谐社会的能力,促进了全县社会经济又好又快和谐发展,取得了在我国少数民族地区和贫困山区发展经济改善民生的宝贵经验。为此,湖北省委书记罗清泉,省委常委、省委宣传部部长李春明,省委常委、省统战部部长苏晓云等领导对中共长阳土家族自治县委促进社会经济和谐发展的可贵实践都作出重要批示。省民宗委主任谭徽在对本刊作出批示:“长阳土家族自治县委在认真践行科学发展观,实现民族地区经济和社会又好又快发展方面创造了成功经验,值得民族县(市)借鉴。请《民族大家庭》予以刊发,以促进民族地区研阅。”编者按:发展经济与改善民生,是近年来中央和湖北省委提出的两大战略,是全面建设小康社会、全面构建和谐社会的重要内容。中共长阳土家族自治县委以改革创新精神加强县级党组织执政能力建设,坚持发展是第一要务,坚持科学发展观坚持站在时代前列领导和谋划改革,高度重视群最直接的利益,高度重视完善和推进党的领导式,高度重视科学决策、民主决策,不断提升驾驭市场经济的能力,不断加强发展民主政治的能力,断提高构建和谐社会的能力,促进了全县社会经济又好又快和谐发展,取得了在我国少数民族地区和贫困山区发展经济改善民生的宝贵经验。为此,北省委书记罗清泉,省委常委、省委宣传部部长李春明,省委常委、省统战部部长苏晓云等领导对中共长阳土家族自治县委促进社会经济和谐发展可贵实践都作出重要批示。省民宗委主任谭徽在对本刊作出批示:“长阳土家族自治县委在认真践行科学发展观,实现民族地区经济和社会又好又快发展方面创造了成功经验,值得民族县(市)借鉴。《民族大家庭》予以刊发,以促进民族地区研阅。” Economic development and improvement of people’s livelihood are two major strategies proposed by the Central Government and Hubei Provincial Party Committee in recent years and are an important part of building an overall well-to-do society and building a harmonious society in an all-round way. CPC Changyang Tujia Autonomous County Committee, with the spirit of reform and innovation, strengthens the construction of the governing ability of county-level party organizations. To uphold development is the most important task. We must adhere to the scientific concept of development, adhere to the leading and planning reforms ahead of the times, attach great importance to the immediate interests of the masses, We should attach importance to perfecting and promoting the party’s leadership style, attach great importance to scientific decision-making, democratic decision-making, and constantly improve our ability to control the market economy. We will continue to strengthen our ability to develop democratic politics and constantly improve our ability to build a harmonious society. Rapid and harmonious development, and made valuable experiences in developing economy and improving people’s livelihood in ethnic minority areas and poor mountainous areas of our country. To this end, Luo Qingquan, secretary of Hubei Provincial Party Committee, Li Chunming, member of Provincial Party Committee Propaganda Department, Li Chunming, minister of Provincial Party Committee Propaganda Department and Su Xiaoyun, minister of Provincial Department of United Front Work, made important contributions to the valuable practices of CPC Changyang Tujia Autonomous County Committee for promoting harmonious social and economic development Instructions. Tan Hui, director of the provincial people’s congress, commented on the magazine: “The Changyang Tujia Autonomous County Committee has successfully created a successful experience in practicing the scientific concept of development and achieving sound and rapid economic and social development in the minority areas. City) to learn. Please ”ethnic family“ to be published in order to promote the study of minority areas. ”Editor’s Note: Economic development and improving people’s livelihood, is the two strategies proposed by the Central Committee and Hubei Provincial Party Committee in recent years, is to build a well-to-do Society, an important part of building a harmonious society. The CPC Changyang Tujia Autonomous County Committee, with the spirit of reform and innovation, strengthens the construction of the governing ability of party organizations at the county level and upholds development as the most important task. It insists on attaching importance to the most direct interests of the masses by upholding the leadership and planning of the reform in the forefront of the times by adhering to the scientific development concept Improve and promote the party’s leadership style, attach great importance to scientific decision-making, democratic decision-making, and constantly improve their ability to control the market economy. They should constantly strengthen their ability to develop democratic politics and enhance their ability to build a harmonious society, and promote sound and rapid socio-economic development in the entire county Harmonious development, and made valuable experiences in developing economy and improving people’s livelihood in ethnic minority areas and poor mountainous areas of our country. To this end, Luo Qingquan, secretary of the North Provincial Party Committee, Li Chunming, member of the Standing Committee of Provincial Party Committee and Minister of Provincial Party Committee Propaganda Department, Su Xiaoyun, member of Provincial Committee of the CPC Central Committee’s Department of National Welfare, made important instructions on the valuable practice of CPC Changyang Tujia Autonomous County Committee in promoting the harmonious development of social economy . Tan Hui, director of the provincial people’s congress, commented on the magazine: “The Changyang Tujia Autonomous County Committee has successfully created a successful experience in practicing the scientific concept of development and achieving sound and rapid economic and social development in the minority areas. City) to learn from. ”National Family" to be published in order to promote the study of minority areas.
Color Recipe是青年设计师吴雨璇(Yuxuan Wu)在普瑞特设计学院的毕业论文项目。目的是通过不同的食物代表人类器官;通过与食物形状或颜色相似的人体器官来保持健康饮食生活,例如,蓝莓与眼睛的形状与颜色相似,它的营养价值可以缓解视疲劳,补充眼睛水分。她的论文主要是探索用三维立体纸艺结合饮食说明以及饮食信息图表来吸引她的用户群体;教育他们,影响他们,从而保持好的生活习惯。具体来说,传统平面
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大都会建筑事务所AMO工作室为本季普拉达PRADA2015秋冬秀场设计了一个经典的连贯色彩空间,通过对秀场空间的改造,视觉比例的渐变让整个秀场看起来仿佛是一幅风格主义抽象作品。  通过连续重复和对称的房间,将秀场切割成一个个半封闭的空间,提供观众一种隔离和亲密感。具有立体深度的空间涂装了微妙的绿色和粉红色调。在这个如同无限迷宫的空间中几何图案的铝材在地面和通道处标志出空间的序列。