记者的职业是神圣的、崇高的,所以才有“无冕之王”的称谓。一位名人曾这样描述记者职业的重要,他说,记者笔下有是非曲直,记者笔下有毁誉忠奸,记者笔下有人命关天,记者笔下有财产万千……。由此可见,记者是一些虽没有权威的名义而影响作用极大的人。 现实生活中,
The profession of journalists is sacred and sublime, so we have the title of “king without crown”. A celebrity once described the importance of a journalist occupation. He said: The reporters have the right and wrong. The reporter wrote about the desecration of his loyalty to the journalists. From this it can be seen that journalists are those who have a great influence on their own without their authority. In real life,