弗洛伊德·德尔(1887—1969),美国小说家、剧作家、诗人、散文家以及文学评论家,出生于伊利诺斯州。中学辍学以后,他在当地报纸和社会主义杂志做过记者,同时也开始在全国性报纸上发表诗歌作品。1908年,德尔搬到芝加哥,并成为了《周五文学评论》(The Friday Literary Review)的编辑,也成为了芝加哥文艺复兴的领袖。期间,他曾力捧过西奥多·德莱赛、谢伍德·安德森、卡尔·桑德伯格及其他芝加哥作家的作品。五年后,他迁往纽约,在激进杂志《大众》(The Masses)出任执行主编,也成为了战前格林威治村波西米亚社区的领导者。主要作品有King Arthur’s Socks and Other Village Plays(《亚瑟王的袜子及其他乡村戏剧》)、Little Accident(《小意外》)、Moon-Calf(《怪胎》)、 The Angel Intrudes(《天使入侵》)、 Women as World Builders(《作为世界创造者的妇女们》)等等。
That fall, before it was discovered that the soles
of both my shoes were worn clear through, I still went to 1)Sunday school. And one time the Sunday-school 2)superintendent made a speech to all the classes. He said that these were hard times and that many poor children weren’t getting enough to eat. It was the first that I had heard about it. He asked everybody to bring some food for the poor children next Sunday. I felt very sorry for the poor children. Also, little envelopes were distributed to all the classes. Each little boy and girl was to bring money for the poor, next Sunday. The pretty Sunday-school teacher explained that we were to write our names, or have our parents write them, up in the left hand corner of the little envelopes. I told my mother all about it when I came home. And my mother gave me, the next Sunday, a small bag of potatoes to carry to Sunday school. I supposed the poor children’s mothers would make potato soup out of them. Potato soup was good. My father, who was quite a joker, would always say, as if he were surprised, “Ah! I see we have some nourishing potato soup today!” It was so good that we had it every day. My father was at home all day long and every day, now; and I liked that, even if he was 3)grumpy as he sat reading 4)Grant’s Memoirs. I had my parents all to myself, too; the others were away. My oldest brother was in Quincy, and memory does not reveal where the others were: perhaps with relatives in the country.
Taking my small bag of potatoes to Sunday school, I looked around for the poor children; I was disappointed not to see them. I had heard about poor children in stories. But I was told just to put my contribution with the others on the big table in the side room. I had brought with me the little yellow envelope, with some money in it for the poor children.
new shoes—why we had been living on potato soup all winter. All these things, and others, many others, fitted themselves together in my mind and meant something. Then the words came into my mind and I whispered them into the darkness:“We’re poor!”
That was it. I was one of those poor children I had been sorry for when I heard about them in Sunday school. My mother hadn’t told me. My father was out of work, and we hadn’t any money. That was why there wasn’t going to be any Christmas at our house. Then I remembered something that made me 15)squirm with shame—a boast. (Memory will not yield this up. Had I said to some nice little boy, “I’m going to be President of the United States?” or to a nice little girl, “I’ll marry you when I grow up?” It was some boast as horribly shameful to remember.)
“We’re poor.” There in bed in the dark, I whispered it over and over to myself. I was making myself get used to it. (Or—just torturing myself; as one presses the tongue against a sore tooth? No, memory says not like that—but to keep myself from ever being such a fool again: suffering now, to keep this awful thing from ever happening again. Memory is clear on that; it was more like pulling the tooth to get it over with—never mind the pain, this will be the end!)
It wasn’t so bad, now that I knew. I just hadn’t known! I had thought all sorts of foolish things: that I was going to Ann Arbor—going to be a lawyer—going to make speeches in the square, going to be president. Now I knew better. I had wanted[something] for Christmas. I didn’t want it now. I didn’t want anything. I lay there in the dark, feeling the cold emotion of 16)renunciation. (The 17)tendrils of desire unfold their clasp on the outer world of objects,新鞋子——为什么我们整个冬天都靠土豆汤维生。所有的这些,还有别的事情,很多别的事情,在我的脑海中拼凑连接,事情就一目了然了。然后我的脑海中出现了一句话,在黑暗中,我轻声地说:“我们就是穷人。”
That fall, before it was discovered that the soles
of both my shoes were worn clear through, I still went to 1)Sunday school. And one time the Sunday-school 2)superintendent made a speech to all the classes. He said that these were hard times and that many poor children weren’t getting enough to eat. It was the first that I had heard about it. He asked everybody to bring some food for the poor children next Sunday. I felt very sorry for the poor children. Also, little envelopes were distributed to all the classes. Each little boy and girl was to bring money for the poor, next Sunday. The pretty Sunday-school teacher explained that we were to write our names, or have our parents write them, up in the left hand corner of the little envelopes. I told my mother all about it when I came home. And my mother gave me, the next Sunday, a small bag of potatoes to carry to Sunday school. I supposed the poor children’s mothers would make potato soup out of them. Potato soup was good. My father, who was quite a joker, would always say, as if he were surprised, “Ah! I see we have some nourishing potato soup today!” It was so good that we had it every day. My father was at home all day long and every day, now; and I liked that, even if he was 3)grumpy as he sat reading 4)Grant’s Memoirs. I had my parents all to myself, too; the others were away. My oldest brother was in Quincy, and memory does not reveal where the others were: perhaps with relatives in the country.
Taking my small bag of potatoes to Sunday school, I looked around for the poor children; I was disappointed not to see them. I had heard about poor children in stories. But I was told just to put my contribution with the others on the big table in the side room. I had brought with me the little yellow envelope, with some money in it for the poor children.
new shoes—why we had been living on potato soup all winter. All these things, and others, many others, fitted themselves together in my mind and meant something. Then the words came into my mind and I whispered them into the darkness:“We’re poor!”
That was it. I was one of those poor children I had been sorry for when I heard about them in Sunday school. My mother hadn’t told me. My father was out of work, and we hadn’t any money. That was why there wasn’t going to be any Christmas at our house. Then I remembered something that made me 15)squirm with shame—a boast. (Memory will not yield this up. Had I said to some nice little boy, “I’m going to be President of the United States?” or to a nice little girl, “I’ll marry you when I grow up?” It was some boast as horribly shameful to remember.)
“We’re poor.” There in bed in the dark, I whispered it over and over to myself. I was making myself get used to it. (Or—just torturing myself; as one presses the tongue against a sore tooth? No, memory says not like that—but to keep myself from ever being such a fool again: suffering now, to keep this awful thing from ever happening again. Memory is clear on that; it was more like pulling the tooth to get it over with—never mind the pain, this will be the end!)
It wasn’t so bad, now that I knew. I just hadn’t known! I had thought all sorts of foolish things: that I was going to Ann Arbor—going to be a lawyer—going to make speeches in the square, going to be president. Now I knew better. I had wanted[something] for Christmas. I didn’t want it now. I didn’t want anything. I lay there in the dark, feeling the cold emotion of 16)renunciation. (The 17)tendrils of desire unfold their clasp on the outer world of objects,新鞋子——为什么我们整个冬天都靠土豆汤维生。所有的这些,还有别的事情,很多别的事情,在我的脑海中拼凑连接,事情就一目了然了。然后我的脑海中出现了一句话,在黑暗中,我轻声地说:“我们就是穷人。”