The paid transfer of fixed assets is to collect fixed assets for payment. The principle of price is “the two sides negotiate, according to the quality of the price.” Under normal circumstances, the income from selling fixed assets should be roughly equal to the net value of fixed assets. If the income from sales of fixed assets is greater than the net value of fixed assets, it means that there is income from the disposal of fixed assets; conversely, it shows that losses have occurred in the processing of fixed assets. The current accounting system stipulates that companies can use the paid-in fixed assets as their income, and the company can stay as an update fund and compensate for the loss of fixed assets. The enterprises that adopt comprehensive depreciation rates are included in the depreciation adjustments at the time of withdrawal and cannot be separated. It can be shown that companies that use individual depreciation rates can be directly displayed in ways that reduce the number of rejuvenation funds; but companies cannot control the losses of fixed funds.