弗洛香姆公司(Florsheim Group)是美国加里福尼亚州的一家从事鞋袜生产的百年老字号。从打1999年春,该公司开始向市场投放了一款高尔夫球鞋,其新颖处是在鞋垫内衬有磁铁。公司展开宣传,声称这款鞋具有舒筋活血、解除疲劳、治疗多种慢性疾病的功效,一时间市场火爆,吸引了不少顾客。可今年以来公司遇上很大麻烦,先有超常现象科学调查委员会(CSICOP)在网上发表了一封公开信,指控其广告虚妄
The Florsheim Group is a hundred-year-old footwear manufacturer in California, California. From the spring of 1999, the company began to put a golf shoe on the market. The novelty is that the insoles are lined with magnets. The company launched propaganda, claiming that this shoe has the functions of easing blood, relieving fatigue and curing various chronic diseases, and that the market has been hot for a while and has attracted many customers. This year, the company has encountered a lot of trouble. The first CSICOP published an open letter on the Internet, accusing it of advertising