The various factors that affect vacuum cold welding are described in more detail, such as the effects of surface contamination, including oxide films, adsorbed gases, etc. The basic properties of the material include the effects of the same type of metal adhesion, crystal facets, crystal structure, dissimilar metals Adhesion, chemical activity and metal bond properties, hardness and alloying elements, etc. There are other factors such as load, contact time and sample temperature, etc. Many typical test results are given. Adhesion is a Surface phenomenon. The intermetallic adhesion is essentially the sum of the interaction forces between the atoms in the interface. By studying the adhesion, we know the nature of the atomic interactions of metal surfaces. Understanding of surface processes such as adsorption, desorption, catalysis, oxidation, corrosion and degradation, etc. Measurement of contact pressure and adhesion between materials in the ultra-high vacuum and in various atmospheres.The main test equipment includes an oil-free ultra-high vacuum system, Force measuring mechanism and material surface preparation and analysis equipment, etc. Finally, the adhesion mechanism is discussed in general.