通过对宜良县禄丰村林场尖山林区50年生云南松林下7块样地共28个样方天然更新的调查与分析,结果显示:云南松为小块状不均匀更新,样地的更新密度为22 600~66 900株.hm-2,更新幼林的年龄主要集中于3~5年生,其中以4年生的林木较多;上层林木的郁闭度在0.4~0.6之间,有利于云南松林下的天然更新;调查样地内云南松天然更新林木的地径和树高主要分布于0.20~9.53 cm和0.05~3.60 m范围内,且两者间线性相关。
Through the investigation and analysis of 28 sample plots of natural regeneration of 50 plots of Pinus yunnanensis forests in Jianshan forest area of Lufeng village in Yiliang county, the results showed that the Pinus yunnanensis was a small patchy non-uniform update, The average age of young forest was about 3 to 5 years old, of which 4 years old had more forest canopy. The canopy density of upper forest was between 0.4 and 0.6, which was in favor of Pinus yunnanensis forest The natural regeneration of Pinus yunnanensis in the survey plots was mainly distributed in the range of 0.20-9.5 cm and 0.05-3.60 m, and the linear correlation was found between the two.