对LIMATRT2 80型机器人专用于焊接的V6 70编程方法进行了探讨 ,包括直线和圆弧等基本类型焊缝的编程 ,子程序调用和程序平移方法的使用 ,给出了焊缝寻找及跟踪实例框图 .本文可作为使用或选择弧焊机器人及科研部门开发研制弧焊机器人参考 .
The V6 70 programming method for LIMATRT2 80 robotic welding is discussed, including the programming of basic types of weld lines such as straight lines and arcs, the calling of subroutines and the use of program shift method, and the example of weld search and tracking This paper can be used as a reference for the arc welding robots by using or selecting arc welding robots and scientific research departments.