由山东海阳富尔达空调设备有限公司研制开发的LSBLGRG系列高温型半封闭螺杆热泵机组 ,日前通过了山东省科技厅组织的技术鉴定。该机组采用经过特殊设计的半封闭螺杆压缩机作为热泵机组的主机 ,在制热工况下 ,出水温度可以达到 65℃。高温热泵机组的研制成功将进一步拓宽
Developed by Shandong Haiyang Fulda Air Conditioning Equipment Co., Ltd. LSBLGRG series of high-temperature semi-enclosed screw heat pump unit, passed the Shandong Provincial Science and Technology Agency organized the technical appraisal. The unit uses a specially designed semi-enclosed screw compressor as the main heat pump unit in the heating conditions, the water temperature can reach 65 ℃. The successful development of high-temperature heat pump unit will be further expanded