Hepatic stem cells: existence and origin

来源 :World Journal of Gastroenterology | 被引量 : 0次 | 上传用户:zhangliu2009
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Stem cells are not only units of biological organization,responsible for the development and the regeneration oftissue and organ systems,but also are units in evolution bynatural selection.It is accepted that there is stem cellpotential in the liver.Like most organs in a healthy adult,the liver maintains a perfect balance between cell gain andloss.It has three levels of cells that can respond to loss ofhepatocytes:(1)Mature hepatocytes,which proliferate afternormal liver tissue renewal,less severe liver damage,etc;they are numerous,unipotent,“committed”and respondrapidly to liver injury.(2)Oval cells,which are activated toproliferate when the liver damage is extensive and chronic,or if proliferation of hepatocytes is inhibited;they lie withinor immediately adjacent to the canal of Hering(CoH);theyare less numerous,bipotent and respond by longer,but stilllimited proliferation.(3)Exogenous liver stem cells,whichmay derive from circulating hematopoietic stem cells(HSCs)or bone marrow stem cells;they respond to allyl alcoholinjury or hepatocarcinogenesis;they are multipotent,rare,but have a very long proliferation potential.They make amore significant contribution to regeneration,and evencompletely restore normal function in a murine model ofhereditary tyrosinaemia.How these three stem cellpopulations integrate to achieve a homeostatic balanceremains enigmatic.This review focuses on the location,activation,markers of the three candidates of liver stemcell,and the most importantly,therapeutic potential ofhepatic stem cells. Stem cells are not only units of biological organization, responsible for the development and the regeneration of tissue and organ systems, but also are units in evolution by natural selection. It is accepted that there is stem cell potential in the liver. Most most organs in a healthy adult , the liver maintains a perfect balance between cell gain and loss. Of has three levels of cells that can respond to loss of hepatocytes: (1) Mature hepatocytes, which proliferate afternormal liver tissue renewal, less severe liver damage, etc; they are numerous, unipotent , “committed ” and respondrapidly to liver injury. (2) Oval cells, which are activated toproliferate when the liver damage is extensive and chronic, or if proliferation of hepatocytes is inhibited; they lie withinor immediately adjacent to the canal of Hering ( (3) Exogenous liver stem cells, which may derive from circulating hematopoietic stem cells (HSCs) or bone marrow st em cells; they respond to allyl alcoholinjury or hepatocarcinogenesis; they are multipotent, rare, but have a very long proliferation potential. they make amore significant contribution to regeneration, and evencompletely restore normal function in a murine model ofhereditary tyrosinaemia. How these three stem cellpopulations integrate to achieve a homeostatic balanceremains enigmatic.This review focuses on the location, activation, markers of the three candidates of liver stem cells, and the most importantly, therapeutic potential of hepatic cells.
20 0 1年 9月 16日美国发现炭疽病例。从 2 0 0 1年 10月 3日起美国CDC及卫生部一直在研究追踪恐怖分子制造的炭疽病。到目前为止 ,美国共发现恐怖分子相关炭疽病 2 1例 (16例确
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