是周围环境影响其实也没有名师指点 许宏泉:当你走向艺术道路的过程中,有没有哪些画或某一画家对你产生影响?一下子影响了你,乃至影响你的绘画方向?小时候,我在我的中学老师家看到一张黄宾虹的画,因此,从那个时候我就喜欢黄宾虹的画了。那个时候还很少有人关注黄宾虹,但就是因为黄宾虹的这张画(实际上是一张画报剪下的印刷品,贴在老师画案边的土墙上)让我喜欢这一路的东西,我就开始画山水了。
Is the impact of the surrounding environment in fact, there is no teacher Xu Hongquan: When you go to the art of the road, which paintings or a painter have an impact on you? Suddenly affected you, and even affect your direction of painting? As a child, I was My high school teacher’s home saw a picture of Huang Binhong, so I liked Huang Binhong’s paintings from then on. At that time, there was very little attention paid to Huang Binhong, but it was because of Huang Binhong’s painting (in fact, a printed newspaper cut off the plaster wall attached to the teacher’s painting case) made me like this one thing Start painting landscapes.