苹果黄斑叶蝉(Pyramidoteltin mali Yang)别名苹果塔叶蝉,属同翅目叶蝉科Jassidae是苹果树的叶部害虫.在我区大青山南麓的果园都有发生.严重影响果树光合作用,致使果品产量、品质下降,树体腐烂病加重.如不及时防治,将造成整个果园毁灭性的灾害.我们从一九七九年至八二年对其生活史和防治措施作了观察与试验,现将结果报告如下:
Apple Pyramidotelin mali Yang Alias Apple leafhopper, belonging to the genus Homoptera, Cicadellidae Jassidae is an apple tree leaf pests in the area at the southern foot of the Daqingshan orchard have occurred seriously affect the photosynthesis of fruit trees, As a result, the output and quality of fruit products are declining, and the decay of tree diseases is aggravated. Failure to timely prevent and control this will result in the devastating disaster of the entire orchard. From 1979 to 1982, we observed and tested its life history and prevention measures ,The results reported below: