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  Ancient Glory in Desert Desolation
  By Ye Yanli
  The sun was dazzling and scorching when we reached Gaochang, the capital city of the Gaochang Kingdom (460-640), forty-five kilometers east of Turpan in northwestern China’s Xinjiang Autonomous Region. Under the endless azure vault of heaven, the yellow desolation stretched out toward the horizon. Looking at the ancient city ravaged by time, I wondered if the grotesque remains were really leftovers of Gaochang, the once most prosperous trade outpost and largest religious center on the Silk Road in the western region that connected the central kingdom and radiated out to central Asia and Europe.
  But there was no mistake. It was Gaochang, spreading out in a rectangular area of 2.2 million square meters. A miniature replica of Chang’an, capital of the great Tang Dynasty (618-907), Gaochang had nine city gates and was composed of three sections separated by city walls: the inner city, the outer city and the forbidden city. The Big Buddha Temple can still be clearly identified. Constructed along a central axis, the temple consisted of the temple gate, the great hall, the side halls, the sermon hall, and monks?living quarters. It is by no means easy to distinguish the palaces, markets, workshops, temples, and folk residences in the city.
  It is said that Master Xuanzhuang expounded the texts of Buddhism in the temple on his famous westward pilgrimage for Buddhist scriptures in India. In the early years of the Emperor Taizong of the Tang Dynasty, the young monk set out on a long journey to India for getting Buddhist scriptures for the central kingdom. As he passed Hami near the kingdom, the king of Gaochang sent envoys out to meet the learned master and invited him to Gaochang. The monk agreed to preach sermons. At the beginning of each sermon, the king would walk into the lecture hall, holding burning joss sticks in his hands, and then kneel down as a stepping stool and let the monk to step on his back to get up to the lecture platform. Xuanzhuang preached for more than 10 days to the full house of an audience of three hundred local disciples and then determined to go on with his journey. Failing to make the monk stay longer, the king asked the monk to revisit Gaochang for a year on his way back from India. On the day of the monk’s departure, the king and all the residents in the city came out to see him off. When Xuanzhuang came back to Gaochang, however, the king had died in 640 when the troops from the central kingdom took the kingdom.
  The death of the last king of Gaochang was just one of many tragedies in the history of the glorious kingdom on the Silk Road. In a sense, the kingdom’s history was one of battles. It came into being in the Han Dynasty (206 B.C.-220 A.D.) when General Li Guangli was sent by the emperor on a westward expedition for getting treasured horses from the Dawan Kingdom in Fergana Valley of today’s Uzbekistan. The expedition’s failure angered the emperor, who ordered to execute the whole expedition if they would dare to come back to the Yumenguan Fortress. Learning the warning, the general and his soldiers came to Turpan. Part of the expedition settled down there, and began to farm and led a normal life. As the population and wealth grew, the settlement came under the rule of a regional kingdom in 327. In the following decades, kingdoms replaced each other and the place was subjected to different rulers. In 460 the Gaochang Kingdom was formerly established. Three families with different surnames ruled the kingdom for 180 years until during the Tang Dynasty the kingdom was annexed in 640. That ushered in a flourishing period for Gaochang. In the mid 9th century, the Gaochang Kingdom was reestablished as the Tang Dynasty collapsed. In the 12th century, a war that lasted for decades between Gaochang and invading Mongols totally devastated the kingdom. It never recovered and thus sank into history.
  One of the indirect consequences created by the disappearance of the glorious Gaochang centuries before was the dilapidation I was witnessing that scorching summer day. Gone were the music and dancing girls at carousals and banquets, bells ringing from quiet temples wrapped up by fragrant vapor of joss sticks, camel caravans carrying precious goods, and once widespread verdant ranches for herds of sheep and cattle. They all vanished into time and desert, and the city’s history and its secrets are now all buried in sands. Fascinated tourists like me come all the way to see an ancient glory whose name was and is Gaochang.
  (Translated by David)
爱上世间唯一活着的象形文字    2007年3月,在昆明临近名胜大观楼的一个普通院落里,中央电视台两位年轻记者正兴致勃勃地拍摄着一个特别的展览:展品是数十件被誉为“文字活化石”东巴文写成的组合画。这些作品或舞龙飞凤,大气浑然;或鸟飞鱼跃,惟妙惟肖;或造型规整,质朴无华;或构图奇峭,鲜亮活泼;生动展示了纳西民族古老的历史积淀与现代化社会的发展节律。  作品的主人是年近八旬的离休干部高峰。此刻,老人正
我这几天真有点发愁:正月里在低塘街道历山村唱了20天,接着便赶到东村去唱5天,再去下一个预约的邵巷村唱20天。可东村的听书迷听了不过瘾,要求把唱书的时间延长到25天,唱了20天走不出来,我怕邵巷村的书迷们不高兴,还真有点左右为难呢!  历山村我每年都要去两次,每次不下一个月,有的村一唱就是两个月。去年我在慈溪从8月开唱到大年廿七才收场,我今年的唱书预约已经排到了10月份,但预约电话还在打个不停。干
篆刻家李伟生肖属虎,平生爱虎,自幼感佩虎之不屈精神及其兴风狂啸、君临天下的豪情、霸气,通过20余年的观察、描摹,百兽之王的各种动态、神韵了然于胸,然后用3年时间,完成了金石篆刻百虎图,以谐音《洪福(红虎)满堂》为题,表达“百福临门”“福慧双修”的良好愿望,可谓虎韬之绝唱。  李伟1962年生于温州,号虎威阁主人,性情旷达飞逸,对中国传统文化感悟颇多,其篆刻作品飘逸大气,功力深厚。         
金雅琴东京获桂冠    电影《我们俩》让我妈妈金雅琴81岁时在半个月内连获东京电影节最佳女主角和金鸡百花电影节最佳女主角两项大奖。张艺谋作为东京电影节评委会主席,在颁奖仪式上激动地说:“之前我只知道她是个老资格的舞台剧演员,没想到她84岁(实际上是81岁)第一次(实际上也不是第一次)演电影就可以得到这项代表亚洲最高荣誉的奖项,所有评委都为她的表演所感动,在评选中全票通过将最佳女主角奖项给她。”  
越国故都、西施故里诸暨为繁荣西施故里旅游文化,进一步激发广大市民对戏曲艺术的追求,浙江卫视、诸暨市旅游局、文化交流杂志社最近联合举办了西施故里《戏迷擂台》越剧赛。  此次擂台赛突出社会参与、面向群众、省市联手、彰显特色原则,近百名戏迷朋友参加初赛海选,参赛选手热情之高,水平之强,体现了诸暨深厚的戏曲文化底蕴。  这一次擂台赛分三阶段进行,参赛选手以清唱形式通过封闭式的初赛选拔后,优秀选手进入复赛,
品牌规划战略    嘉兴市质量技术监督局秀洲区分局在市局党委和秀洲区委、区政府的正确领导下,认真落实科学发展观,紧紧围绕市局党委“12235”工作目标任务和秀洲区委、区政府“打造先进制造业特色基地”战略,根据市质量技术监督局“十一五”期间“313”名牌培育规划,区质监分局在调研、培育的基础上,提出了区2006年至2010年的三级名牌培育规划,54个产品列入三级名牌规划、11个产品列入国家免检规划。
将来,乡愁是一条长长的桥,我去那头,你来这头。  ——余光中2010年5月30日在中国海洋大学演讲后答学生问    “高山青,涧水蓝,阿里山的姑娘美如水哟!阿里山的少年壮如山!”“晚风轻拂澎湖湾,白浪逐沙滩,没有椰林缀斜阳,只是一片海蓝蓝。”每当吟唱起《阿里山的姑娘》《外婆的澎湖湾》这些台湾流行歌曲时,张女士总会回想起小时候,自己对大海另一边的祖国宝岛有过的种种浮想联翩。如今轻帆直航去台湾的美梦终
2006年金秋十月,我忙里偷闲利用会后余暇去了乐山,一为看朋友,二为看大佛。乐山的朋友说,你既然远道来到了乐山,就应该去趟峨嵋山,登上金顶看看。  提起峨嵋金顶,突然想起20多年前我的父亲曾经在金顶手“托”太阳照了一张照片,给我印象极深。于是在朋友鼓励下我立马响应,直奔峨嵋金顶。  天高气爽,车行不久,司机朋友就说,今天天气真好,在这儿就能远眺峨嵋山金顶。我隔窗望去,果然远处山峦叠嶂,一座最高的山
今年是出生在杭州的著名书画艺术大家、收藏家唐云的百年诞辰。8月16日,纪念唐云百年诞辰——“艺德可风”石刻揭碑仪式在富阳鹳山公园举行。日前,杭州唐云艺术馆携手澳门艺术博物馆,在澳门合办了“永锡难老——唐云百龄诞辰纪念展”,展出200余件唐云生前收藏的书画、古玩及其创作的作品,大受澳门市民好评。  九十月间,“唐云百龄诞辰纪念展”将在杭州举行,这批珍贵的艺术品将整体搬迁至杭州,在展会上与广大观众见面