大革命失败后,在以蒋介石为代表的新军阀的统治下,中国共产党及其革命力量遭到了极大的摧残。血的教训,促使年轻的中国共产党懂得了武装斗争的重要性。 1927年8月1日,为了挽救革命,中共中央委派周恩来、叶挺、贺龙、朱德、刘伯承等领导在我党掌握和影响下的北伐军二万余人,在江西南昌举行武装起义,打响了武装反抗国民党反动派的第一枪,在白色恐怖中,为全国人民树立了一面鲜明的坚持武装革命的旗帜。从这时起,中国出现了一支完全由中国共
After the failure of the Great Revolution, under the rule of a new warlords represented by Chiang Kai-shek, the Chinese Communist Party and its revolutionary forces were greatly devastated. The lesson of blood prompted the young Communist Party of China to understand the importance of armed struggle. On August 1, 1927, in order to save the revolution, the CPC Central Committee assigned more than 20,000 leaders of the Northern Expedition Army, under the control and influence of our Party, including Zhou Enlai, Ye Ting, He Long, Zhu De and Liu Bocheng to organize an armed uprising in Nanchang, Jiangxi Province, In the white terror, the first shot against the KMT reactionaries set a clear banner of insisting on the armed revolution for the entire people in the country. From this moment on, there was a total of China by China