小学教育是基础.一年级基础打得如何,智力发展如何,对学生的成长影响很大.因此,我每教一个一年级,都想方设法帮助学生树立正确的学习态度,养成良好的学习习惯.根据他们的年龄特点,及时地进行各方面的教育,尽快地组织起一个良好班集体. 做好入学前的准备儿童是带着兴奋好奇的心情来到学校的.为了使他们热爱学校,热爱学习,必须给他们创设一个良好的学习环境.开学前我就把教室打扫得干干净净,桌椅摆得整整齐齐,墙上布置孩子们感兴趣的图画和小学生守则挂图,有意识地启发孩子们认识上学要做什么.我还从学生的名册上初步熟悉他们的姓名、住址及家长的职业,然后进行一次全面家访,了解并记载学生的家庭情况及其
Primary school education is the foundation.What is the foundation of the first grade and the development of intelligence which have a great impact on the growth of the students? Therefore, every grade I teach every means to help students establish a correct attitude towards learning and develop good study habits. According to their age characteristics, promptly carry out all aspects of education, as soon as possible to organize a good class group .Prepare to prepare for school children come to school with excitement and curiosity .In order to make them love school, love learning , I have to create a good learning environment for them. Before the start of the school, I cleaned the classrooms cleanly, the tables and chairs were neatly arranged, the pictures of the children's interest and the wall chart of primary school children were arranged on the wall, and the children were consciously inspired I know what I'm going to do at school, and I also get acquainted with their names, addresses, and parents 'careers from the students' roster, and then make a full home visit to understand and document the student's family situation and its