患者 29岁,住院号 10105。因停经 50d,剧烈腹痛 1d于 2004年 10月 30日入院。该患既往月经规律,婚后 4年未孕。末次月经 2004年 9月 10日。10月 29日上午下腹剧痛,逐渐延至全腹,门诊以“异位妊娠”诊断收入院。查体: 体温 36 4℃, 脉搏 80 /min, 呼吸 20 /min, 血压90 /50m
Patient 29 years old, hospital number 10105. Due to menopause 50d, severe abdominal pain 1d on October 30, 2004 admission. The suffering from the previous menstrual regularity, 4 years after marriage is not pregnant. The last menstruation September 10, 2004. On the morning of October 29, a sharp pain in the lower abdomen, and gradually extended to the full abdomen, outpatient diagnosis of “ectopic pregnancy” income homes. Physical examination: body temperature 36 4 ℃, pulse 80 / min, breathing 20 / min, blood pressure 90 / 50m