挥之不去的公众敌意、修修补补的环境记录,尚处萌芽期的英国页岩产业在经历一段蛰伏之后,终于跌跌撞撞地走出低谷。英国《泰晤士报》日前刊文称,同是西方发达国家的美国和加拿大,因为大规模应用水力压裂技术,早已开始享受页岩气产业的繁荣,英国在羡慕嫉妒恨之后,最终批准了首项水力压裂技术。拔得头筹的北约克郡,成为推动英国页岩气产业发展的功臣,而雀屏中选的Third Energy公司也因此成名,获得了连国际能源巨头都可望而不可及
Lingering public hostility, tinkering with environmental records, and the still nascent shale industry in the United Kingdom after a period of dormancy, finally stumbled out of the trough. The British “Times” recently published an article saying that the United States and Canada, both developed western countries, have already begun to enjoy the prosperity of the shale gas industry because of the large-scale application of hydraulic fracturing technology. Britain eventually ennobled its envy and jealous hatred Hydraulic fracturing technology. Outstanding North Yorkshire became the hero of shale gas industry development in Britain, and therefore Third Energy Co., Ltd. finicked bird was also famous, won even the international energy giants are unattainable