In this paper, 100 cases of heroin addicts were detected serum biochemical analysis, accounting for 64% of hypernatremia, hyperkalemia accounted for 38%, high osmotic pressure accounted for 36%, low carbon dioxide binding force accounted for 90% of the anion gap increased 100%, liver function ALT enzyme abnormalities accounted for 28%, hyperbilirubinemia accounted for 22%, 2 cases of amylase activity abnormalities, fasting blood glucose abnormalities accounted for 68%. The results showed that heroin addicts had significant electrolyte disturbances, impaired liver function, and impaired pancreatic function. Virological tests found that intramuscular and intravenous injection of hepatitis B and hepatitis C infection increased the proportion of positive were 40.5% and 16%, and hepatitis B and hepatitis C mixed infection accounted for 40%, indicating that drug injection is caused by viral infection main reason