This paper reports 3 cases of pathologically confirmed cases of tympanosoma, all have pulsatile tinnitus, hearing loss and the tympanic membrane can be seen through the tympanic membrane after the lower part of the red tumor and other characteristics. Tumor found in the surgery are located in the lower tympanic cavity. Within 8 to 9 months after surgery, tinnitus disappeared and hearing was improved. The authors concluded that acoustic impedance was the most significant of any test item. Lateral acoustic compliance curves were automatically recorded with high sensitivity during tympanometry, with a lateral wavy curve with fluctuations consistent with the pulse. In addition tympanogram acoustic peak lower, the curve also showed wavy, postoperative disappearance of this phenomenon. The authors believe that the phenomenon may be due to blood circulation in the blood vessels of the tumor, which caused by alternating tumor texture change. Sometimes the waveform is also seen in highly sensitive normal subjects, acute otitis media and occasionally in hypertensive patients, but more pronounced in glomus tumors. Pressure with the fingers of the neck can be blood vessels