经自然腔道内镜手术(naturalorifice transluminal endoscopic surgery,NOTES)是一门跨学科的新兴微创外科技术,是近年来微创外科领域研究和争论的焦点。NOTES是指不经体表切口,利用内镜通过人体自然孔道,如胃、阴道、膀胱、结肠、直肠等进入体腔进行手术。与传统的开腹手术和腹腔镜比较,NOTES具有无可见的手术瘢痕、减少腹腔内粘连、手术创伤小、术后疼痛轻、恢复快等优势。Mares-
Naturalorifice transluminal endoscopic surgery (NOTES) is an interdisciplinary and emerging minimally invasive surgical technique, which has been the focus of research and debate in the field of minimally invasive surgery in recent years. NOTES refers to without body surface incision, the use of endoscopy through the body’s natural channels, such as stomach, vagina, bladder, colon, rectum into the body cavity for surgery. Compared with the traditional laparotomy and laparoscopy, NOTES has no visible surgical scar, reduce intra-abdominal adhesions, surgical trauma, postoperative pain, rapid recovery and other advantages. Mares-