两年前,一支肩负着跨世纪中国足球之重任的队伍——中国健力宝少年足球队,踏上了去足球王国巴西“取经”的征途。 探寻巴西足球的精髓,为中国足球准备一个生气勃勃的明天,这是中国足球改革的一大创举,更是一次尝试。 天将降大任于斯人也,必先苦其心志,劳其筋骨,饿其体肤……西天取经,唐僧师徒历经九九八十一难方成正果。 两年后的今天,当这群脱去稚气的孩子以中国健力宝青年队的身份出现在人们的视野,英姿勃发中传递的是风雨洗礼的信息。
Two years ago, a team responsible for the cross-century Chinese football - China Jianlibao juvenile football team embarked on a journey to Brazil, the “kingdom” of soccer kingdom. Explore the essence of Brazilian football for the Chinese football to prepare a vibrant tomorrow, this is a major innovation in China’s football reform, it is an attempt. Days will be reduced to any person, must first bitter their minds, labor its bones, hungry body ... ... Western learning, Tang monks mentoring after nineteen eighty-one square into a positive result. Today, two years later, when these children, who have become childlike, appear in people’s eyes as the youth team of China Jianlibao, the message of baptism is delivered in a brilliant manner.