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家庭是一个古老的文学主题。从原始的神话传说到当代的魔幻现实主义作品,一代代文人墨客孜孜不倦地向世人讲述着家庭的故事。家庭是社会的细胞,因此,以再现和批评社会现实为宗旨的19世纪文学大师对家庭主题尤为青眯。陀思妥耶夫斯基描写偶合家庭的两部力作《少年》和《卡拉马佐夫兄弟》,分别发表于1875和1880年,而在这短短五年间,相继问世的、以家庭为主题的名篇就有谢德林的《哥略夫里奥夫家庭》(1876)、 Family is an ancient literary theme. From primitive myths and legends to contemporary magical realist works, a generation of scholar-writers tirelessly tell the world about family stories. Families are the cells of society. Therefore, 19th-century literary masters, who aim at reproducing and criticizing social reality, are particularly concerned with family themes. Dostoyevsky describes the two masterpieces of the coupling family, “Juvenile” and “Karamazov Brothers,” which were published in 1875 and 1880, respectively, and in these short five years, the family-themed names There are Shedrin ’s “brother Lloyd’s family” (1876),