肝脓肿(liverabscess,LA)是肝脏继发性感染后未得到及 时、正确处理而形成的局限、化脓性炎症。随着影像学技术的 发展和高效广谱抗生素的应用,LA患者的预后明显改善,病死 率已由70%下降到15%左右[1]。我院自2000年4月~2004 年2月共收治L
Liver abscess (liverabscess, LA) is a secondary infection of the liver has not been timely and correct treatment of the formation of suppurative inflammation. With the development of imaging technology and the application of highly effective broad-spectrum antibiotics, the prognosis of patients with LA has been significantly improved. The mortality rate has dropped from 70% to 15% [1]. Our hospital since April 2000 ~ February 2004 were admitted to L