(A) Generally, the development of China’s steel industry includes three main elements: the total growth, structural optimization, improve the level. Aggregate growth refers to the expansion of the scale of production and operation. Structural optimization means that the proportion of each component is more rational and more scientific. The improvement of the level refers to the continuous improvement of the product level, the technical level and the management level. These three are interrelated, interdependent and mutually reinforcing. The net total growth without structural optimization and level improvement is not only ineffective but also can not be sustained due to the inability to adapt to changing social needs and the continuous advancement of science and technology. In the absence of certain aggregate growth and improvement in levels, it is necessary to adjust the stock structure in a static manner , There will be no way to proceed. Likewise, without certain aggregate growth and structural optimization, it is difficult for products, technologies and management to keep leaping to new levels due to lack of stimulus.