家族性白血病临床上较为罕见。1911年weiss首先报告。自此以后各国文献记载渐多,但国内文献报告甚少,笔者观察到兄妹二人先后罹患急性粒细胞性白血病,现报告如下:例1 女性,15岁,九江县人,学生。因发热、头昏、乏力10余日于1980年8月12日入院。患者入院前10余日四肢出现散在性脓疱疮,继而发热伴畏寒,尤以夜间为甚,多汗,无流涕,咳嗽。曾在当地治
Familial leukemia is clinically rare. Weiss first reported in 1911. Since then, more and more literature records in various countries, but few domestic literature reports, the author observed two siblings have suffered from acute myeloid leukemia, are as follows: Example 1 Female, 15 years old, Jiujiang County, students. Due to fever, dizziness, fatigue more than 10 days in August 12, 1980 admission. More than 10 days before admission to patients with scattered appendicitis impetigo, followed by fever with chills, especially at night even more, sweating, no runny nose, cough. Has been in the local governance