1 案例资料余某 ,男 ,2 7岁。 1999年 11月 14日 13时许 ,被他人拳打脚踢头部、肩背部及四肢等 ,造成多处软组织挫伤 ,其中顶枕部及左颞部头皮下有小面积瘀血斑。当时伤者感头痛、头晕 ,但无呕吐、昏迷、抽搐及肢体活动障碍 ,无意识障碍及近事遗忘。于当天到医院诊治 ,以“蛛
1 case information Yu Mou, male, 27 years old. At about 13 o’clock on November 14, 1999, he was punched and kicked by his head, shoulders and limbs, causing multiple soft tissue contusion, including the top occipital and left temporal scalp with small area bleeding spots. At that time, the injured person had a headache, dizziness, but no vomiting, coma, convulsions and physical activity disorders, unconsciousness and recent forgetting. On the day to the hospital for treatment, with "spider