华裔人提琴家马友友1995年出生于巴黎,四岁开始学琴,曾从帅于Janos Scholz和Leonard Rose,并在哈佛大学系统地学习了乐理。现如今的马友友在交响乐协奏、器乐独奏以及室内乐演奏等方面都具有较深的造诣,并在全球享有很高的声誉。他曾于1978年荣获著名的Avery Fisher奖项,也曾八次获得格莱美奖,并于1991年被母校——哈师大学聘为音乐专业荣誉教授。 作为一个成功的专业大提琴手,马友友曾在世界各大交响乐团担任过大提琴领秦,如波士顿、旧金山、费城、 多伦
Chinese-born violinist Yo-Yo Ma was born in Paris in 1995 and began playing piano at the age of four. He studied piano music at Janos Scholz and Leonard Rose and systematically studied music theory at Harvard University. Today, Yo-Yo Ma has deep attainments in symphony concerto, instrumental solo and chamber music performance, and enjoys a high reputation in the world. He won the prestigious Avery Fisher Award in 1978 and was honored with the Grammy Award eight times. In 1991, he was hired as an honorary professor of music by his alma mater, the University of Hague. As a successful professional cellist, Yo-Yo Ma has played major celebrities in the world such as Boston, San Francisco, Philadelphia, Toronto