所谓领导班子的合力,就是集群体之智,合群体之力,为着一个共同的目标,朝着一个共同的方向,同心同德,群策群力,劲往一处使,汗往一处流,拧成一股绳,齐步向前进。 1 影响企业领导班子形成合力的原因当前,企业绝大多数领导班子能够坚定不移地贯彻执行党和国家的路线、方针、政策,带领广大职工群众在社会主义市场经济的大潮中,奋勇拼搏,开拓创新,在职工群众中是有号召力、感染力和凝聚力的。但是,我们也应当看到,有少数领导班子或领导成员,置党和人民的利益而不顾,争权夺利,尔虞我
The joint efforts of the so-called leading bodies are the wisdom of the group and the strength of the group. As a common goal, they work in a common direction, with one heart and one mind, working hard together, sweating to one place and sweating to the other Into a rope, moving forward. At present, the overwhelming majority of leading groups in enterprises can unswervingly implement the party’s and the state’s lines, guidelines and policies and lead the masses of workers and staff in the tidal wave of the socialist market economy to work tirelessly, Pioneering and innovative, among the workers and the masses there is charisma, appeal and cohesion. However, we should also see that there are a few leading bodies or leading members who disregard the interests of the party and the people, struggle for power and profit,