无产阶级文化大革命以来,我们在群众性的消灭白蚁运动中,在杭州市及浦江县发现一种锯天牛对建筑物为害很大。经鉴定为触角锯天牛(Eurypoda ante-nnata W. Saunders)。据记载,此虫分布于我国浙江(兰溪、舟山)、上海、江西(婺源)、贵州(贵阳、湄潭)、台湾、以及香港等地,但未见有为害情况和防治方法的报道。 触角锯天牛为害干燥木材,如梁柱、楼板櫊栅、木器家具等。主要为害树种是枫木、樟木、桦木、麻栎等阔叶树,其次为松、杉木等针叶树。蛀孔呈椭圆形,直径多为19×9毫米、也有27×8或19×7毫米的。一根受害严重的梁柱,其孔洞最多可达数百个,内部蛀蚀的坑道纵横交错,层次很多,极不规则。受害地区每年因此而需要翻修的房屋很多,耗费了不少国家资财,有的甚至能造成房屋倒塌的事故。 我们在调查研究过程中,对它的年生活史和生活习性做了一些记载,同时做了一些药剂防治试验,收到一定的效果。现作一简要介绍,以供参考。
Since the Great Proletarian Cultural Revolution, we have found in the mass extinction of termites in Hangzhou and Pujiang County that a saw-day-care behemoth is very damaging to buildings. It has been identified as Eurypoda ante-nnata W. Saunders. According to records, the insects distributed in Zhejiang (Lanxi, Zhoushan), Shanghai, Jiangxi (Wuyuan), Guizhou (Guiyang, Meitan), Taiwan and Hong Kong, but no reports of damage and prevention methods. Tentacles Sawdust dawn dry wood, such as beams and columns, floor grille, wood furniture. The main damage species are maple, camphor, birch, oak and other broad-leaved trees, followed by pine, fir and other conifers. Erosion bore oval, mostly 19 × 9 mm in diameter, there are 27 × 8 or 19 × 7 mm. A serious damage beam, the holes up to hundreds of holes, internal decay tunnel criss-cross, many levels, very irregular. The affected areas need to be renovated a lot of houses each year, consuming a lot of state assets, and some can even cause the collapse of housing accidents. In the process of investigation and study, we made some records about its annual life history and living habits. At the same time, we did some experiments on the prevention and control of pesticides and received some results. Now make a brief introduction for reference.