In the last 20 years, a total of 6 cases of adipose cell tumors and adipogenic tumors were treated in Los Angeles Children’s Hospital. Ages ranged from 14 months to 5 years, of which 5 were younger than 3 years old. The growth site was in the back in 1 case, involving the right pleura and the 8th rib, together with ribectomy; 1 left heel; the left shoulder 1 case under the trapezius muscle (in this case, adipogenic cell tumor); neck In one case, the tumor was adjacent to the brachial plexus behind the right sternocleidomastoid muscle; 1 case was left and right on the buttocks, and 1 case on the right was connected to the gluteus maximus in a criss-cross pattern to remove the left side; One patient near the perineum displaced the rectum to the contralateral side. All 6 cases were completely resected and the tumors were coated. 3 out of 6