航天部二院二○三所研制的330MHz 低噪声捷变频率合成器于1987年4月8日通过院级技术鉴定。参加鉴定会议的有来自国防、科研部门,高等院校,工厂等近20个单位的代表。鉴定委员会的全体同志经过严格的测试,认真的审查,一致认为:该捷变频率合成器原理正确,设计合理,采用的电路技术先进,具有稳定度高、噪声低、捷变跟踪速度快等优良性能。其主要技术指标在国内处于领先地位,并已接近国际上同类产品的先进水平。
The 330MHz low-noise agile frequency synthesizer developed by No.20 Aerospace Department No.203 Institute passed the technical appraisal of the hospital on April 8, 1987. Attend the appraisal meeting from the defense, scientific research departments, institutions of higher learning, factories and other representatives of nearly 20 units. Accreditation Committee of all comrades after rigorous testing, a serious review, agreed that: The principle of the agile frequency synthesizer is correct, well-designed, using advanced circuit technology, with high stability, low noise, fast agile tracking excellent performance. Its main technical indicators in the country in a leading position, and has been close to the international advanced level of similar products.