酒后驾车害人害己,本期我们从读者来信中摘出几篇探讨酒后驾车顽疾与制止措施的文章,一起思索的同时,欢迎读者朋友们继续踊跃来稿。为配合公安部展开的为期两个月的严厉整治酒后驾驶交通违法行为专项行动,下期我们继续探讨酒后驾驶的危害、治理措施这个话题,相信通过我们每一个人的努力,酒后驾车的行为一定能得到有效遏制。来稿请发至邮箱:[email protected],邮件主题请注明:驾车三人行。
Drunk driving harm victims, this issue we extracted from the reader a few articles discuss drunk driving illness and stop the article, thinking together at the same time, welcome readers and friends continue to actively contribute. In order to cooperate with the Ministry of Public Security to launch a two-month special campaign to severely punish illegal traffic drunk driving, the next issue we continue to explore the dangers of drinking and driving, governance measures this topic, I believe that through the hard work of each of us, drunk driving Behavior must be effectively checked. Contributions please send to the mailbox: [email protected], e-mail subject, please specify: driving three people.