抓好商业流通 服务市场经济

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“八五”期间,济南市商品流通体 制改革不断深入,已基本形成开放式、可调控的商品流通新格局,城乡市场购销两旺,繁荣活跃,对提高人民群众生活质量,促进工农业生产的快速发展发挥了重要作用。商品流通业发展取得的这种突破性进展主要表现在: 一、社会消费品零售额大幅度增长,商品流通业在国民经济中的地位日益提高。预计今年全市消费品零售总额可实现185亿元,比1990年增长2.5倍以上,年均递增18.5%;批发、零售和餐饮业增加值可达14. 3亿元,占国内生产总值的比重达到16%,比1990年提高7.1个百分点。 二、多元化流通所有制结构已经形成。目 During the “Eighth Five-Year Plan” period, Jinan’s reform of the commodity circulation system continued to deepen, and an open and adjustable new pattern of commodity circulation was basically formed. Both urban and rural markets were booming in purchase and sales, prosperous and active, and improved the quality of life of the people and promoted industrial and agricultural production. Rapid development has played an important role. The breakthroughs made in the development of the commodity circulation industry are mainly reflected in the following: 1. The retail sales of consumer goods have increased substantially, and the status of the commodity circulation industry in the national economy has increased. The total retail sales of consumer goods this year is expected to reach 18.5 billion yuan, an increase of 2.5 times over 1990, an average annual increase of 18.5%; the added value of wholesale, retail and catering industry can reach 1.43 billion yuan, accounting for the proportion of GDP. 16%, 7.1 percentage points higher than in 1990. Second, the diversified circulation ownership structure has been formed. Head
1995年1~4月期间,法国医药品进口总额为46.30亿法郎(合4.5亿美元),出口额达到80.40亿法郎,顺差额为30多亿法郎。 与去年同期相比,医药品进口额增加15%,出口额增加18.6%,顺差额
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