
来源 :大众电影 | 被引量 : 0次 | 上传用户:xuwenhaiyy
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当今中国电影的璀璨,来自几代电影人的播种与耕耘。父亲和他们那一代人的艺术素养和精神力量也是来自于不朽的中华历史和她灿烂的文化。“世界上什么最快?”“世界上什么最快?”这曾是父亲生前,我们之间的最后一个话题。记忆中,我当时不假思索地回答:“思想。”父亲随即应道:“是思想……”之所以以这样的回忆来开篇,是因为父亲生前常常会就生活中某个话题来认真地与我交流和探讨,从我很小时再到成年。当然话题不会囿于某一个领域,并且也不是每一次的探讨都会有完整的结局或结论,但家长与孩子间这样的探讨,无疑是给予了晚辈在思想与心灵上有益的良性启迪,会使子女的成长获益匪浅。对父亲的追思与怀念于我来讲是一种永久而深邃的世间情怀。却又往往是这样的深深情愫又很难谈的琐碎而巨细。虽然在半个多世纪的时间里父亲活跃在银幕中、舞台上,可在工作之外,他却是一个讷 The dazzling Chinese movies today come from sowing and cultivating generations of filmmakers. The artistic accomplishments and spiritual power of my father and their generation also come from the immortal Chinese history and her splendid culture. “What is the fastest in the world? ” “What is the fastest in the world?” This was the last topic between us before his father was born. In my memory, I immediately answered without thinking: “My father should immediately: ” is the idea ... "The reason to start with such memories, because his father often during his lifetime to a topic in life Seriously with my exchange and discussion, from my very young to adult. Of course, the topic does not lie in a particular field, and not every one of the discussions will have a complete conclusion or conclusion. However, this discussion between parents and children undoubtedly gives benign and enlightening ideological and spiritual benefits to the younger generation. Benefit the growth of children. Memorizing and remembering my father is a permanent and deep worldly feeling for me. But often is such a deep feeling and it is difficult to talk about the trivial and size. Although his father was active on the screen for more than half a century, he was on the stage and out of work
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完达蜂斗菜(Petasites tatewakianus Kitamura)别名掌叶蜂斗叶、掌斗菜、蒿茼子(宝清县)、老山芹、老水芹(完达山)、大叶子(小兴安岭)、黑瞎子菜(完达山)、蜂斗菜(饶河县)。
传统的无线电通信都是采用 “定频”(也叫固频)工作。无线电台 工作时,虽然可以适时更换通信频 率,但其变换周期比较长,相对来 说,其载波频率在一段时间内是固 定不变的。
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