华凌山座落在江西省宁都、永丰和乐安三县交界之处,主峰高1454米。这里属中亚热带气候区,雨量充沛,植物茂密,初步统计高等植物1200余种,种子植物约有124科800余种,约占高等植物总数量的70%。为了育苗造林,我们调查了这里的珍贵、优良速生树种。南方红豆杉(Taxus chinensis var.mairei)、三尖杉(Cephalotaxus fortunei)和红栗栲等种类,通直高大是很好的用材树种。国家三级重点保护植物钟萼木(Bretschei-dera sinensis)、香果树、庐山厚朴(Magnolia bilo-
Hualing Shan is located in Ningde, Jiangxi Province, Yongfeng and the junction of the three counties, the main peak of 1454 meters high. Here is a subtropical climate zone, abundant rainfall, dense plants, preliminary statistics of more than 1200 kinds of higher plants, seed plants, about 124 families more than 800 species, accounting for about 70% of the total number of higher plants. In order to nursery afforestation, we investigated here precious, fine fast-growing tree species. Taxus chinensis var. Mairei, Cephalotaxus fortunei and red chestnuts are very good timber species. Bretschei-dera sinensis, fragrant fruit tree, Magnolia bilo-