Male patient, 32 years old. Scrotal hypertrophic rash with itching 3 months. Scrotal dense distribution of taupe hypertrophy rash, oval or polygonal, diameter 0.3 ~ 1.0cm, taupe, over the dander, boundary clear, dry surface, hard. Bilateral groin and thigh see the white spot and dander. Penile roots near laceration and exudate. There was a history of unclean sexual behavior. Exudate was found to be active Treponema pallidum under the dark field microscope. RPR (1:32), TPPA (+), HIV confirmatory test (+), CD4 ~ + / CD8 +: 0.43. Diagnosis: secondary syphilis; HIV infection. Macular rash has subsided after benzathine penicillin treatment.