前言 2002年底政府有个公务员减员计划,凡是工龄满30年的都可以退休,享受优厚待遇。我在政府行政机关工作多年,最终也就是个副科级,现在能够提前退休,这是我求之不得的好事,于是在很多人反对的情况下我终于提前退休了。一个人的人生无非是三个阶段:成长、工作和养老,而现在的我已经进入了人生的最后一个阶段——养老。老了以后怎么过,各人有各人的安排,但最终只要感觉幸福就好。好多年前我
Foreword By the end of 2002, the government had a civil servant staff reduction plan. All those who have worked for more than 30 years can retire and enjoy generous treatment. I have worked for many years in the government administration, and in the end is a deputy section. Now I am able to retire early. This is a good thing I can not help but eventually I retire early with so many objections. A person’s life is nothing more than three stages: growth, work and retirement, and now I have entered the final stage of life - pension. How to live after the old, everyone has arrangements for everyone, but in the end as long as the feeling of happiness like. Many years ago me