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十九世纪晚期,边疆危机加深,赵尔丰奉命经营川边藏区,在川边藏区掀起了轰轰烈烈的改土归流运动,旨在增强清政府在川边地区的控制力以稳定边疆。改土归流内容广泛,影响深远,其中尤以经济方面措施成效显著。赵氏以鼓励垦荒,大力发展农业入手,积极兴办工业,并不失时机的整顿边地金融市场,改革传统徭役制度。赵氏经济改革措施的推行,一定程度上消除了某些阻碍生产力发展的桎梏,减轻了边患,为川边藏区的社会发展奠定了良好基础。 In the late nineteenth century, with the deepening crisis in the border areas, Zhao Er-feng was ordered to run the Sichuan-Tibet Tibetan Autonomous Region and set off a vigorous land-reforming movement in the Sichuan-Tibet Tibetan Autonomous Region. The aim was to strengthen the Qing government’s control in the Chuanbian area to stabilize the frontier. The reform of the government has extensive and far-reaching effects, of which economic measures have achieved remarkable results. Zhao encouraged reclamation, vigorously developed agriculture, actively established industries, and did not lose the opportunity to rectify the financial markets in the border areas and reform the traditional system of military service. The implementation of Zhao’s economic reform measures, to some extent, eliminated some of the obstacles that hinder the development of the productive forces and alleviated the fringe troubles, laying a solid foundation for social development in the Tibetan areas of Sichuan.