
来源 :铁道医学 | 被引量 : 0次 | 上传用户:skyfis
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本文介绍三例顽固性心衰,采用血管扩张剂(硝酸甘油)及正性肌力药物(多巴酚酊胺)联合治疗,取得了满意效果。病例摘要如下: 例1 男,59岁。咳嗽、心悸、气短及浮肿加重10月余,于1987年6月24日入院。查体:口唇发绀,颈静脉怒张。桶胸,双肺闻及干湿性罗音。心前区可闻及Ⅱ级收缩期杂音,心率110次/分,节律不整,早搏3~14次/分。肝肋下4.5cm,剑突下8cm,肝颈返流征阳性,双下肢 This article describes three cases of refractory heart failure, the use of vasodilators (nitroglycerin) and inotropic drugs (dobutamine, tincture amine) combination therapy, and achieved satisfactory results. Case summary is as follows: Example 1 male, 59 years old. Cough, palpitations, shortness of breath and edema aggravated more than 10 months, in June 24, 1987 admission. Physical examination: cyanotic lips, jugular vein engorgement. Barrel chest, lungs smell wet and dry rales. Precordial area can be heard and Ⅱ systolic murmur, heart rate 110 beats / min, irregular rhythm, premature beats 3 to 14 beats / min. Liver ribs 4.5cm, xiphoid 8cm, liver reflux sign positive, both lower extremities