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一个优秀的读者不一定能成为优秀的作家,而一个优秀的作家必然是一个优秀的读者。V·纳博科夫以他的《洛丽塔》、《灰色火焰》等作品已经向我们证实了他是一个优秀作家。如果说他还需要向我们证明他也是一个优秀读者的话,那么这部《文学讲稿》就足够了。 一个优秀的作家之所以必然是一个优秀的读者,除了他能以一个内行的眼光审视他 A good reader may not be able to become a good writer, and a good writer must be a good reader. V · Nabokov with his “Lolita”, “Gray Flame” and other works have confirmed to us that he is a good writer. If he still needs to prove to us that he is also a good reader, then this “literary speech” is enough. A good writer must be a good reader, except that he can examine him in an expert manner