As a result, some statistical data are thought-provoking: In the ninety-ninth department store in Shanghai, a total of more than 8,000 color TV sets were sold in 1992, of which imported machines accounted for about 43%; International TV shops sold 6,763 color TV sets, and imported machines accounted for 74%. Shanghai TV stores sold 10,883 TV sets, while imported machines accounted for 87%. What are the reasons for the import machine to be so booming, where is the root cause? Is the price of imported machines cheap? No, as the price of dollars rises, the price ratio between imported machines and domestic machines has been from the original 1.3:1 to the present More than 1.6:1. Take 54 cm color TV as an example, the retail price of the Panasonic 2188 rose from about 3,300 yuan at the beginning of the year to 4,800 yuan in June. The retail price of the domestic famous brand Kaige 5401 has been between 2,400 yuan and 2,500 yuan.