Long-term albumin infusion improves survival in patients with cirrhosis and ascites: An unblinded ra

来源 :World Journal of Gastroenterology | 被引量 : 0次 | 上传用户:hedongxu2288
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AIM: To investigate the effects of long-term albumin administration on survival, recurrence of ascites and onset of other complications. METHODS: One hundred consecutive patients admitted for first-onset ascites were randomized to receive diuretics plus human albumin 25 g/wk in the first year and 25 g every two wk thereafter (group 1) or diuretics alone (group 2). The primary endpoint was survival without liver transplantation. Secondary endpoints were recurrence of ascites and occurrence of other complications. RESULTS: Median follow-up was 84 (2-120) mo. Albumin-treated patients had significantly greater cumulative survival rate (Breslow test =7.05, P=0.0078) and lower probability of ascites recurrence (51% versus 94%, P< 0.0001). Chronic albumin infusion resulted in a mean increase in survival of 16 mo. CONCLUSION: Long-term albumin administration after first-onset ascites significantly improves patients’ survival and decreases the risk of ascites recurrence. METHODS: One hundred consecutive patients admitted for first-onset ascites were randomized to receive diuretics plus human albumin 25 g / wk in the first year and 25 g every two wk thereafter (group 1) or diuretics alone (group 2). The primary endpoint was survival without liver transplantation. Secondary endpoints were recurrence of ascites and occurrence of other complications. RESULTS: Median follow-up was 84 (2-120) mo. Albumin-treated patients had significantly greater cumulative survival rate (Breslow test = 7.05, P = 0.0078) and lower probability of ascites recurrence (51% versus 94%, P <0.0001). Chronic albumin infusion resulted in a mean increase in survival of 16 mo. CONCLUSION: Long-term albumin administration after first-onset as cites significantly improved patients’ survival and decreases the risk of ascites recurrence.
高中时代的我,是一个沉默且寡欢的女孩子,如果不是文笔好,真的是没有任何闪光点了。加之青春期的突然发胖,让我全然失去了原先满满的自信。于是,终日沉默,除了上课就是看书,要么就写日记,也没有很要好的朋友。看似充实却又寂寥的青春,单薄得像一片叶子。  一天,老师交给我一封粉红色的信,地址却是陌生的。下课后,我迫不及待地将信拆开,激动得一口气读完。是临近县城的一个同样念高二的男孩子写来的,他说看到我在报纸
【摘要】小学思想品德教学对于小学生树立正确的人生观和价值观具有重要意义。近年来,在新课改的要求下,小学思想品德教学更应该注重联系学生的实际生活,从而加深学生对思想品德知识的学习印象,提高其学习效率。本文首先分析小学思想品德课教学生活化的意义,然后针对小学思想品德课教学生活化提出几点建议,旨在更好的促进小学思想品德课教学的发展。  【关键词】新课改 小学思想品德 生活化 教学策略  【中图分类号】G
近年小鼠暴发性肝炎和人重型肝炎的研究表明,纤维介素(fgl2)的高表达是重型乙型肝炎肝细胞坏死的重要分子机制.我们运用单链构象多态性(single strain construction polymorphism,SSCP)分析方法对重症乙型肝炎患者、乙型肝炎病毒携带者以及健康人hfgl2基因启动子的基因多态性进行了研究。