人双眼具有固视、追随视标及参与协调眼、头位和身体姿势的功能 ,这有赖于正常的神经系统功能来维持。快速扫视及平稳跟踪是常见的两种眼球运动方式 ,其异常表现可在一定程度上反映神经系统的功能障碍。本文通过复习文献 ,综合介绍近年来国内外有关眼球扫视及平稳跟踪运动的神经解剖生理学的研究进展与临床应用的状况
The fixation of the eyes by the eyes, the follow-up of the visual target, and the coordination of eye, head position and posture of the body depends on the normal functioning of the nervous system. Rapid glance and smooth tracking are two common eye movements, the abnormal performance of the nervous system to some extent reflect the dysfunction. This article reviews the literature to introduce the research progress and clinical application of neuroanatomical physiology in recent years both domestically and abroad related to eye saccade and smooth tracking movement