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科技体制改革以来,科技事业的发展已取得比较明显的成就。但是科技体制不合理、结构失衡等矛盾依然存在,要解决这些矛盾,摆脱科抄体制进一步改革困境,推动科技产业化发展的正确选择,是以学科结构调整为启动点,推动科技结构的优化,并相应加快配套改革步伐。一、当前矛盾的症结及出路科技体制改革使科学研究由单纯性的研究转了既向面向市场,发展商品化的科技产业,又注重基础理论研究的多元化发展轨道,前进中出现了一些新的变化,宏观政策中,数量型、小而全的科研逐渐为质量型、商品型的科研所替代,但是真正困扰科技事业稳定发展的结构不合理问题仍无多大变化,现实科技结构的调整仅仅是靠抑长促短的权宜之计的治标办法,真正取长补短的治本调整起步不大,特别是科技体制中出现的某些结构 Since the reform of science and technology system, the development of science and technology has made remarkable achievements. However, the contradictions such as unreasonable scientific and technological system and structural imbalance still exist. To solve these contradictions and get rid of the reform of science and technology system and promote the industrialization of science and technology, the correct choice is to start with the adjustment of disciplinary structure and promote the optimization of scientific and technological structure. And correspondingly accelerate the pace of supporting reforms. I. The Crux of the Current Conflict and the Way Out The reform of science and technology system has led to the transformation of scientific research from simple research to market-oriented and commercialized science and technology industries. At the same time, it focuses on the diversified development of basic theoretical research. Some progress has been made In the macroeconomic policy, quantitative and small-scale scientific research gradually replaced quality and commodity-based scientific research. However, the structural unreasonable problems that really plague the steady development of science and technology have not changed so much. The actual adjustment of the structure of science and technology has only changed. Is a temporary solution to the short-term expediency of the temporary solution, the real remedial measures to start with little change, especially in the structure of science and technology some of the structures
小公鸡背起书包上学了。在学校里,他认识了许多小朋友,大家在一起可开心了。早晨,小公鸡和爸爸一样,早早就起床。爸爸去上班,他去叫小朋友 Little cock back to school bag
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