当前 ,对压力表检定工作还一直沿袭着较为古老的手工操作方法 ,这样校准的结果不仅准确度低 ,一致性差 ,而且效率低、操作繁琐。研制开发的压力表智能检定装置 ,在原活塞式压力计的基础上加以改进 ,充分利用计算机控制技术和高分辨率的全数字式交流伺服电机的完善配合 ,对检定过程和输出结果进行设置和控制 ,使得整个装置的控制精度达到 0 .0 6级 ,同时可以定期地自检和自校。系统的数据采集、控制、分析处理软件采用建立在Windows开发平台上的VisualBasic语言实现 ,人机交流界面友好 ,操作简便 ,为检定工作人员创造了一个轻松愉快的工作环境。
At present, the pressure gauge verification work has been followed by the older manual methods of operation, so the result of calibration is not only low accuracy, poor consistency, and low efficiency, complicated operation. Developed pressure gauges intelligent verification device, based on the original piston-type pressure gauge to be improved, make full use of computer control technology and high-resolution full digital AC servo motor with the perfect combination of the verification process and output settings and control , Making the entire device control accuracy of 0. 06 level, at the same time can be self-test and self-calibration. The system’s data acquisition, control, analysis and processing software is implemented in the Visual Basic language built on the Windows development platform. The human-computer interaction interface is friendly and easy to operate, creating a relaxed and pleasant working environment for the verification staff.