当一个人突然因为疾病、车祸、工伤事故等原因而致残的时候,他(她)的生活状况可想而知。然而,在北京有一家与众不同的专为改善残疾人的功能,使之重新回归家庭和社会的康复医疗机构,从这里走出的患者是个什么情况呢?请看下面的例子: 患者A,患病前是澳星发射基地发电厂的一位领导,正当这位年富力强的中年人在自己的事业上大展宏图之际,一场车祸使他的颈椎损伤,造成四肢不全卧
When a person suddenly becomes disabled due to diseases, car accidents, accidents at work, etc., his (her) living conditions can be imagined. However, in Beijing, there is a unique rehabilitation medical institution that is specifically designed to improve the function of people with disabilities so that it can return to the family and society. What is the situation of patients who are leaving here? Consider the following example: Patient A, suffering from Before the illness, he was a leader of the power plant of the Ao Xing launch site. As the middle-aged man with a prosperous and powerful personality made great achievements in his own career, a car accident caused his cervical spine to be damaged, resulting in incomplete limb recumbency.